QuanGuan 100064 – Panther (Speed Build Review)

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In retrospect, the Allies believe that the Panther is the best medium battle tank of all the conflicting parties in World War II. How well is QuanGuan’s model doing?

Manufacturer: QuanGuan
Set-Number: 100064
Theme: Military
Release: 2018
Parts: 990
Figures: 5
Age: 8
Building Time ca.: 3 Hours


The instructions for the Panther are divided into 4 construction phases. 990 components, shown in color, are installed in 93 construction steps on grayed-out sections.


Everything starts with a frame made of plates. We put the mountings for the rollers on this. Then the bottom of the hull is covered with large plates. With single-row bricks we give the hull some height. Then the front and rear are built in separate construction steps and attached to the hull. Two built seats and a couple of levers make up the interior.

In this early phase of construction, we turn the hull over and attach the castors. The chains are very reminiscent of COBI. However, the quality is noticeably worse. The links get caught again and again, so that the chain stalls. The side slopes are reached by countless slopes. A lot of tiles are used at this point.

After the deterred rear and front have also been built, it is the turn of the turret. A lot of construction direction reversal is used here. The side armor with its printed stones is built separately and then attached to the turret.

Finally we build a machine gun from molded parts and the gun barrel. With that the panther is done.


In my opinion, the shape does not match the original perfectly. The tank seems a bit too high and too wide. However, the quality of the bricks is okay. Overall, the construction was fun and the model makes a good visual impression.

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