COBI 2493: Somua S-35 (CHAR 1935 S) – Speed Build Review

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France is also represented among the COBI WW2 models. The comparatively small tank has been in the program for several years and therefore an interesting comparison to the quality of the current models.

Manufacturer: Cobi
Set-Number: 2493
Theme: Military
Release: 2017
Parts: 450
Figures: 2
Age: 7
Building Time ca.: 1 Hours 30 Minutes
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Series production of the Somua S-35 started in 1936 and a total of 430 tanks were built. The main battle tank in use on the French side until 1940 was able to assert itself against the German tanks. After the defeat, the remaining vehicles were incorporated into the Wehrmacht and continued to be used there. For a collector of German tanks, this model belongs to a certain extent.

Brick Quality

The overall quality corresponds to the current models. Only the two exhaust pipes were so loose that I had to fix them with glue.


The instructions are smaller in size than most other models. In terms of content, however, it does not differ. Only the current components are shown in color and the rest are grayed out. Stickers have been omitted and all parts are printed. There is no trading card or table top card in this set. 2 construction phases with a total of 66 construction steps are required to complete the tank.


Again we start with the black plate hull. After a series of bricks, the first blocks for reversing the direction of construction follow. The side armor will be attached here later. After the drive wheels have been built and attached separately, we cover the hull with green plates.

The entire stern is also built separately and then attached to the hull with 4 studs. It can still be opened completely after completion and receives no further attachment. The exhaust pipes in orange stand out clearly here. However, these are so loose that I had to glue the end pieces. They had no hold. After completing the upper hull, the tracks are built and attached. Here it was a bit fiddly to get the them in the narrow gap between the side armor and the upper hull cladding.

The turret consists of only a few parts and can be assembled in no time. The hatch for the commander is slightly to the left. As a result, it has no 2 studs on the inside to which it can be attached. So he has to look sideways out of the hatch while his comrade is running alongside.


Since this tank is loot and was also used on the German side, it belongs to my collection. Except for the two exhaust pipes, the structure was as usual. It is still included in the current catalog. However, since it has been in the program for several years, it may well be that it will no longer be produced next year.

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